Annual Impact Report: Metropolis of Chicago
PROJECT: Annual Impact Report, 24 pages, content development, copy writing, editing, cover art and full layout
CLIENT: Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Chicago
ABOUT: I’ve been working as the Digital and Social Media Director for the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Chicago since 2022. Through this role, I’ve worked on the Metropolis website, events, and programs. Day to day activities may include designing an event invitation, sharing social media posts, and strategic planning for upcoming marketing.
One of my favorite projects was the Annual Impact Report. A small team of Metropolis staff members and I worked together to develop a booklet that would showcase the accomplishments of the year while highlighting the growth the come. I lead the project, determining the overall structure of the report, developing article topics, and designing the cover and individual pages.
See the full Annual Impact Report HERE.
See the full Annual Impact Report HERE.